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After-sales service undertaking


Shenyang days plastic factory in "customer as the center" service concept, pay attention to customer demand and experience, created the "whole worry free" service brand, put forward the "whole service, all worry free" service slogan. Provide "all-weather, all-round, the whole process" and "standardization, family oriented, personalized and professional service for customers, through a unified unified" unified service concept, service image, service standards, unified service process, service training, and allow customers to truly experience the "no worry, worry free consulting services, care free and honest worry".
Connotation of "worry free" is not only the traditional sense of customer service service, but the customer service concept into R & D, manufacturing, sales and service of all business sectors, each business links to all customers as the center, to maximize the pursuit of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.
Accept all kinds of complaints: we will listen to your heart carefully and accept and help you solve all kinds of problems.

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