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Quality characteristics of PO film made from sunshine crystal


Continuous use + no replacement + energy saving + cost reduction
1, cut costs and save energy
Long term use, different grades can be used continuously for 1-5 years, cutting costs, saving raw materials, advocating low carbon environmental protection. The greenhouse film is
Higher strength, more durable, more economic trends.
2, remarkable transparency
Using high-end technology in Japan, high-tech light transmission factors, polymer synthesis. The film itself has no precipitation, and antistatic treatment has been carried out
So that the transmittance of the film to reach more than 95%, even if second years can still reach more than 90% of light transmission. Effectively increase the light in the greenhouse,
The utility model has the advantages of fast heating up, heat storage, long heat preservation, strong photosynthesis, etc., especially for vegetables and fruits with high color requirements, such as cucumber (cucumber),
Eggplant, tomatoes, strawberries, peaches, cherries, etc., have significant effects and increase crop yields.
3. UV transmittance
UV can guarantee the suitability of penetration, disinfection, promote plant growth, increase the sense of color and so on.
4. Heat preservation
Add strengthening insulation agent, reduce radiation heat dissipation, lock the temperature is not lost, to achieve high standard of night insulation performance, according to field testing,
Under the same conditions than ordinary plastic sheeting high night temperature 2-3 degrees. Ensure crop growth at night, shorten maturity, and prevent
A sudden drop in temperature during the night, resulting in much damage to plants.
5, drips, suppresses fog the production
Chemical synthesis of special agent PO film than ordinary film more than a layer of high-tech underwear, inhibiting the formation of a high level of fog, the water droplets along the membrane flow, do not drop. Prevent water from damaging crops.
6, super durability
Adding anti-aging agent, membrane enhancer, high strength, tensile strength, impact resistance, tear resistance, high-tech special polyester raw materials, 8 silk film strength is equivalent to the national standard 12 wire strength, can be used continuously for more than 2 years, no need to remove repeated installation.
7 nanometer process technology and advanced nanotechnology advanced, the film surface is not easy to dust.

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