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The 2017 film scheduled work started!

Dear customers, friends! Thank you for your continued support and love for our store! This year we will bring you more and better quality agricultural products! Now the film scheduled work started in 2017! All prospective customers will enjoy a favorable price! The order is as follows: 1. order by telephone. Please call 024-62172107, tell us you need film brand and specifications, you need to tell us the time and koupeng delivery, we will arrange for your order. Each shelf deposit is 200 yuan, please store in Hunhe River and Sujiatun stores payment and keep your deposit receipt, delivery time to purchase the ticket according to your custom specifications for extraction products, such as modification required before the declaration of production in our factory to call change, otherwise we shall be in accordance with the specifications of your order the shipment, please be understanding. When taking delivery, we must bring your order receipt, and we will deduct the amount of the deposit on the basis of the total amount.
2. website order. Please visit our company website: www.5umate.com.cn give us a message in the message board, tell us your custom product name and specification, and leave your contact way, our customer service staff will contact you soon!
3. shop order. You can go directly to the Shenyang City District Hunhe Station supply and marketing cooperatives time-honored store or district of Sujiatun Yongle Township Primary School Primary xintaizi hospital (US branch) order, direct payment and receive order receipt.
4. home order. If your area or shelf area have many customers need to order, we can call the requirements of group purchase, reach a certain number, we will send a car to your location, unified accept orders and collect the deposit and give you a receipt issued by the order, the number reached a certain standard, we will also offer free shipping. Delivery service for you!
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